5 Steps to Selling for Top Dollar in Rochester

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Today we are going to talk about the 5 steps you need to take to ensure your home gets sold for top dollar in the Rochester market. If you take these steps to heart, you will have a smooth and profitable sale. We see sellers all the time that have no idea where to start, but we’re going to put you in a position to win today.

1. Prepare and research
This process may start months before your home just listed. Start with decluttering and depersonalizing your home, as researching potential real estate agents to interview. Don’t focus on who has been in the business a long time and who is actually selling homes.

2. Establish your own motivation and objectives
If an agent doesn’t know your motivation or objectives, it’s hard for them to advise you correctly. You need to be able to verbalize them, so you know what kind of obstacles there are, and what you’re ultimately trying to accomplish.

3. Develop a marketing plan to sell for top dollar
To sell for top dollar in Rochester, you’ve got to have top-notch marketing. When you’re interviewing agents, ask them what their marketing plan looks like. Focus on what they are going to do to sell your home and get top dollar for it.

4. Select a real estate agent
Hopefully, you’ve done your research, seen the marketing plan, and can then select the best agent. You want someone with a great track record and someone that’s selling homes now. Just because someone has been in the business a long time doesn’t mean that they are the best option. Our team sells out homes faster and for more money than the competition by a significant margin.

5. Establish an asking price
If you hire an agent based on what they tell you your home will sell for, it will cause you to fall for whatever agent tells you the most amount of money; they’ll tell you what you want to hear. The good agents will tell you what you need to hear because it’s in your best interest. It’s what you need to hear to make sure your home sells for top dollar.

The good agents will tell you what you need to hear.

If you have any questions for us or want to know how we can sell your home for top dollar, give us a call or send us an email. We would love to hear from you!

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